8 Things To Remember While Showcasing Talent!

8 Things To Remember While Showcasing Talent!

It's that time of year where athletes are competing for scholarships. No matter what the sport, try to stay focused and remember these eight tips while at your showcase, camp or exposure event.

  1. Don't be late: Arrive on time or even a few minutes early to show that you are responsible and serious about the opportunity.
  2. Don't be unprepared: Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and attire for the sport you are showcasing. This includes proper shoes, clothing, and any necessary gear.
  3. Don't be disrespectful: Show respect to coaches, staff, and other participants. Avoid talking back, arguing, or being rude.
  4. Don't be overly aggressive: While it's important to show your skills and abilities, don't be overly aggressive or try to show off. This can come across as arrogant and may turn off coaches and scouts.
  5. Don't ignore instructions: Listen carefully to instructions from coaches and staff and follow them accordingly. This shows that you are coachable and can take direction.
  6. Don't give up: Even if you make mistakes or don't perform as well as you hoped, don't give up. Keep trying and show that you have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and improve.
  7. Don't be distracted: Avoid distractions such as using your phone or talking to friends during the showcase or camp. Stay focused on the task at hand and show that you are fully committed to the opportunity
  8. Don't display bad body language: There's nothing worse than displaying bad body language during an event. Next-level coaches will immediately remove you from their lists when you display bad character, bad sportsmanship and bad body language.

If you remember these DON'TS ... Things will always go in your favor when coaches are comparing apples to apples (YOU vs other players).

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- Coach Love

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